The Information Systems Security Bureau (ISSB) is the central state authority responsible for technical areas of information security of the Republic of Croatia state bodies, which includes standards of information security, security accreditation of information security, managing crypto material used in the exchange of classified information, and coordination of prevention and response to computer threats to information system security.
Information Systems Security Bureau’s frame of work and responsibilities are regulated by the Security and Intelligence System Act of the Republic of Croatia, the Information Security Act and the Regulation on Information Security Measures of the Republic of Croatia.
Work of the Information Systems Security Bureau is managed by the director who is appointed and resolved by the Government of the Republic of Croatia based on the proposal of the Council for Coordination of Security Intelligence Agencies.
Director of the Information Systems Security Bureau is Predrag Božinović.
In accordance with Croatian legislation, Information Systems Security Bureau is, along with security accreditation of information systems, authorized for implementation of activities related to management of crypto material used in the exchange of classified information between the state bodies and foreign countries and organizations, for conducting researches, development and testing of technologies for classified data protection and issuing certificates for their usage.
Along with prevention and response to computer security threats, the Information Systems Security Bureau is responsible for regulation of technical areas of information system security standards throughout ordinances and their permanent adjustment to international standards and recommendations. The Information Systems Security Bureau participates in the national standardization of areas of information systems security.
Standards for technical areas of information system security are applied to all state bodies, local and regional self-government bodies, and legal person with public authorities who, within their scope of work, use classified and unclassified information.
Information systems security accreditation is conducted by the Information Systems Security Bureau in cooperation with the Office of the National Security Council, and prevention and response to computer security threats as well as creation of recommendation and standards for information systems security in cooperation with National CERT.
Led by the principle of excellence in conducting activities within its frame of work, the Information Systems Security Bureau initiated cooperation with the leading Croatian science and research institutions, with aim to inspire new forms of knowledge exchange as well as further development of its own capabilities using the best national science, innovation and educational potentials.
Finally, with continuance of its capabilities enhancement, encouragement of the effective coordination establishment, and further improvement of cooperation with national science and research institutions, the Information Systems Security Bureau is streaming towards higher level of the entire information system security in the Republic of Croatia, and creation of preconditions for development and enhancing competitiveness of Croatian economy in that area.